array(2) { ["links"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(4) "Home" ["url"]=> string(24) "" } [1]=> array(2) { ["title"]=> string(6) "Brands" ["url"]=> string(37) "" } } ["count"]=> int(2) }


  • Artiteq


    ARTITEQ has been inventing, developing and producing hanging concepts since 1995 and is located in Tilburg, the Netherlands. Design, quality, flexibility, user-friendliness, service and value-for-money are key words in the development of our hanging systems. It is important to respond to trends and take into account the growing attention for the consumer's living environment

  • Euro



    Eurolijsten is een jonge, moderne firma die reeds meer dan 30 jaar een vaste waarde uitmaakt op de Europese inlijstmarkt. 

    Gesticht in 1971 is Eurolijsten voortdurend blijven groeien tot wat het nu is: een Europees denkend bedrijf dat zich flexibel aanpast aan de veranderende eisen en trends. We dragen service en klantengerichtheid hoog in het vaandel en we trachten keer op keer bergen te verzetten om onze klanten dat extra beetje speciale aandacht te geven.

    Vandaag de dag profileert Eurolijsten zich in Europa als één van de grootste totaalleveranciers én partner voor de inlijsthandel.

  • GeckoTeq


    GeckoTeq is a specialist in the field of hanging systems and offers you a wide choice of materials to hang valuable works of art, paintings and photos in a responsible manner. From frames to rails, DiBond hangers to acoustic clamps and from wire material to hanging hooks for bicycles or garden tools, GeckoTeq can make it hang!

  • Newly


    Newly is a totally new concept in the world of picture hanging- and presentation systems. Hanging is an art and you should get the most out of it. The right combination of comfort, carrying capacity and invisibility provides the best way of hanging and presentation. Newly offers complete systems that ensure optimum performance and ease of use by new technologies and innovations

  • STAS


    STAS picture hanging systems has proven several times in recent years to be the most innovative manufacturer of high-quality hanging systems.

    On this website you will find a large number of solutions developed by STAS to hang your paintings safely, flexibly and elegantly.

    It is not without reason that STAS supplies the most prestigious museums, galleries, universities and government institutions worldwide. But STAS also has an excellent tailor-made solution for every situation for home use.

    In short; STAS…a name that sticks!